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Yang, WH, R Ryals, DF Cusack, WL Silver (2017). Cross-Biome Assessment of Gross Soil Nitrogen Cycling in California Ecosystems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry , 107: 144-155.

Cusack, DF, J Karpman, M Ciochina, S Halterman, A Neupane, Q Cao, D Ashdown, S Lydon (2016). Global Change Effects on Humid Tropical Forests: Evidence for Biogeochemical and Biodiversity Shifts at an Ecosystem Scale. Reviews of Geophysics , 54(3): 523-610.

Cusack, DF, WH McDowell, J Macy (2016). Nitrogen Additions Mobilize Soil Base Cations in Two Tropical Forests. Biogeochemistry, 128: 67-88.

Cusack, DF, TL McCleery, J Lee, C LeCroy (2015). Exotic Grasses and Nitrate Enrichment Alter Soil Carbon Cycling Along an Urban-Rural Tropical Forest Gradient. Global Change Biology, 21(12): 4481-4496.

Shibata, H, C Branquinho, WH McDowell, MJ Mitchell, DT Monteith, J Tang, L Arvola, C Cruz, DF Cusack, L Halada, J Kopacek, C Máguas, S Sajidu, H Schubert, N Tokuchi, J Záhora (2014). Consequence of altered nitrogen cycles in the coupled human and ecological system under changing climate: the need for long-term and site-based researches. AMBIO, 44(3): 178-193.

Muñoz-Erickson, TA, AE Lugo, E Meléndez-Ackerman, LE Santiago-Acevedo, J Seguinot-Barbosa, P Méndez-Lázaro, A Ramírez, C Hall, M Hall, O Ramos González, D García Monitel, J Ortíz-Zayas, J Giusti, R Pontius, V Cuadrado-Landrau, WH McDowell, DF Cusack, J Zimmerman, M Luz Cruz-Torres, JC Verdejo Ortiz, R Santiago-Bartolomei, CM Concepción2, L Cornell, B Quintero, M Figueroa, J Vallejo, D Torres-Bonilla, L Cray (2014). Knowledge to serve the city: Insights from an emerging knowledge-action network to address vulnerability and sustainability in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Cities and the Environment, 7(1): Article 5.

Cusack, DF, J Axsen, R Shwom, L Hartzell-Nichols, S White, KRM Mackey (2014). Review: An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering Strategies. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(5): 280-287.
(Supplemental Material, KPCC - Morning Edition Interview, Op Ed Zocalo, Op Ed Washington Post).

Cusack, DF, and TL McCleery (2014). Patterns in Understory Woody Diversity and Soil Nitrogen Across Native- and Non-Native Urban Tropical Forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 318: 34-43.

Cusack, DF (2013). Soil Nitrogen Levels Are Linked to Decomposition Enzyme Activities Along an Urban-Remote Tropical Forest Gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57: 192-203.

Cusack, DF, OA Chadwick, T Ladefoged, and PM Vitousek (2013). Long-Term Effects of Agriculture on Soil Carbon Pools and Carbon Chemistry Along a Hawaiian Environmental Gradient. Biogeochemistry, 112(1-3): 229-243.

Cusack, DF, OA Chadwick, WC Hockaday, and PM Vitousek (2012). Mineralogical Controls on Soil Black Carbon Preservation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26(2): GB2019.

Fischer, D, K Mackey, DF Cusack, L DeSantis, L Hartzell-Nichols, J Lutz, J Melbourne-Thomas, R Meyer, D Riveros-Iregui, C Sorte, J Taylor, and S White (2012). Is Pre-Tenure Interdisciplinary Research a Career Risk? EOS: Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 93(32): 311-312.

Cusack, DF, WL Silver, MS Torn, SD Burton, and MK Firestone (2011). Changes in Microbial Community Characteristics and Soil Organic Matter with Nitrogen Additions in Two Tropical Forests. Ecology, 92(3): 621-632.

Cusack, DF, WL Silver, MS Torn, and WH McDowell (2011). Effects of Nitrogen Additions on Above- and Belowground Carbon Dynamics in Two Tropical Forests. Biogeochemistry, 104: 203-225.

Cusack, DF, MS Torn, WH McDowell, and WL Silver (2010). The Response of Heterotrophic Activity and Carbon Cycling to Nitrogen Additions and Warming in Two Tropical Soils. Global Change Biology, 16(9): 2555-2572.

Marin-Spiotta, E and D Cusack, Eds. (2010). Organized Oral Session 44. Advances in Biochemical Methods for Studying Organic Matter Dynamics in an Ecological Context. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 91(1): 94-99.

Cusack, DF, WL Silver, and WH McDowell (2009). Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Forests: Spatial Variation and Effects of Nitrogen Deposition. Ecosystems, 12: 1299-1315.

Cusack, DF, WW Chou, WH Yang, ME Harmon, WL Silver, the LIDET team (2009). Controls on Long-Term Root and Leaf Litter Decomposition in Neotropical Forests. Global Change Biology, 15(5): 1339-1355.

Sinsabaugh, RL, CL Lauber, M Weintraub, B Ahmed, SD Allison, C Crenshaw, AR Contosta, D Cusack, S Frey, ME Gallo, TB Gartner, SE Hobbie, K Holland, BL Keeler, JS Powers, M Stursova, C Takacs-Vesbach, M Waldrop, M Wallenstein, DR Zak, and LH Zeglin. (2008). Stoichiometry of Soil Enzyme Activity at Global Scale. Ecology Letters, 11(11): 1252-1264.

Marin-Spiotta, E, DF Cusack, R Ostertag, and W Silver (2008). “Trends in Above and Belowground Carbon with Forest Regrowth After Agricultural Abandonment in the Neotropics.” Pp. 22-72. In: Post Agricultural Succession in the Neotropics. R.W. Myster, Ed. Springer, New York, NY.

Chacón, N, W Silver, E Dubinsky, and D Cusack (2006). Iron Reduction and Phosphorous Solubilization in Humid Tropical Forest Soils: The Roles of Labile Carbon Pools and an Electron Shuttle Compound. Biogeochemistry 78(1): 67-84.

Cusack, D, and L Dixon (2006). Community-Based Ecotourism and Sustainability: Cases in Bocas del Toro Province, Panama and Talamanca, Costa Rica. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 22(1/2):157.

Montagnini, F, D Cusack, B Petit, and M Kanninen (2005). Environmental Services of Native Tree Plantations and Agroforestry Systems in Central America. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 21(1): 51-67.

Cusack, D, and F Montagnini (2004). The Role of Native Species Plantations in Recovery of Understory Woody Diversity in Degraded Pasturelands of Costa Rica. Forest Ecology and Management, 188:1-15.

Cusack, D, B Hodgdon, and F Montagnini, Eds. (2002). Forests, Communities, and Sustainable Management: A Summary of a Forum Examining Community Forestry Initiatives in the Tropics. New Haven, CT, Yale Forest Forum Review: 5(6).